1) Roster sizes will be cut back 1 player from a team's reserves. Instead of 6 reserves per team it will be 5 next year.
With the removal of one roster spot, a free bye week pick-up will now be allowed for PKs only if your starting PK has a bye. The free bye week move for a DT still holds from past years.
The purpose is two-fold, to speed up the draft slightly and also to make more players available in the free agent pool during the season. This will allow you to pick up better players and also increase the total peanuts available for prize distribution.
2) The 2 peanuts per player per trade rule did not promote as many trades this year as expected. The trade fee next year will be increased to 3 peanuts per team per trade.
3) The entry fee per team will be increased to 50 peanuts per team. The purpose is to increase the total peanuts available for prize distribution.
4) Per a straw poll from league members and past recommendations, the commissioner's entry fee will be waived. Instead, this fee will be used by the commissioner to register a new domain name for the league, www.theboardff.com. In order to keep the domain name registered a fee of 35 peanuts per year is paid to the proper domain registration providers.
5) As a result of the potential increase in the entry fee, the prize distribution for the Super Bowl champion will be increased and subsequent prize distributions may be increased if enough peanuts are available.
The above rule changes are a continuing effort by the executive board to keep the league at the highest playing level and also to increase the fun and participation of the league members.